
Don’t purchase from certseasycom it is a cheater

After I join his services of certseasy.com, Microsoft send me this email, and the they don’t focus on case and lead my certification cancel and blacklist by prometric(can’t take any IT exam in prometric anymore), don’t take any IT exam services in China or India, I find it will be cancel by Microsoft.And I find certseasy.com , certxpert.com, certwind.com, are same company from china, they will call u to transfer to a china if though western union, so please don’t purchase anything from them.It is Microsoft letter: (I delete some detail) Microsoft has received information and is in the process of investigating issues related to candidates utilizing the testing center XXX (the “Testing Center”), during the time period from xxx, through xxx (the “Relevant Time Period”). Microsoft’s records indicate that you purport to have utilized the Testing Center during the Relevant watch repair Time Period for certain Microsoft Certification Exams. As you know, Microsoft holds candidates to high standards when sitting for Microsoft Certification Exams. Any deviation from these standards puts both the student and the integrity of the Certification Exam at risk. The MCP credential is reserved for professionals who possess the necessary skills to successfully implement a Microsoft product or technology as part of a business solution within an organization. As a preliminary matter, Microsoft understands that you are not a citizen of India. Under Microsoft’s Out of Country Policy, any non-Indian citizen is required to obtain prior watch repair approval from Microsoft before sitting for a Certification Exam at, among other places, the Testing Center. Specifically, Microsoft’s Out of Country Policy provides:1.Out Of Country Testing Only citizens of certain specified countries may sit for Microsoft Exams in those countries. Non-citizen candidates must seek prior Microsoft permission to test out-of-county by submitting a request to mlsecure@microsoft.com and providing the proper credentials. The Microsoft Learning Security Team will validate each request prior to granting approval.Additional notice of this policy was provided by Prometric during the exam registration process and explicitly stated:IMPORTANT NOTEIndiaAs of April 1, 2007, Only Citizens of India will be permitted to register for exams in our India test centres using the online test scheduling facility. All foreign candidate seeking approval in India are required to register at the Test site directly and hand over the requisite documents (i.e. digital copy of Passport and valid Visa). For any queries, you may e-mail to mslindia@microsoft.com.Microsoft has no information that such permission was requested by or granted to you under the circumstances. This fact creates significant questions with respect to the results of your Certification Exams taken at the Testing Center. Because Microsoft is committed to protecting the integrity of its Certification Exams and the corresponding credentials associated with same, the conduct set forth above is viewed with all seriousness by Microsoft. Based on the above, Microsoft hereby demands that you provide evidence of your travel to India and your sitting for the Certification Exam at the Testing Center during the Relevant Time Period. Such evidence should be submitted to Microsoft no later than twenty (20) days from the date of this letter and should be forwarded to: mlsecure@microsoft.com. In the event that satisfactory evidence is not provided within time frame set forth above, Microsoft reserves the right to take various actions, including the invalidation of the test scores reported by the Testing Center and a prohibition on your sitting for any and all Microsoft Certification Exams in the future. This letter should not be construed as a waiver of any of Microsoft’s rights and Microsoft hereby reserves all of its rights to seek all appropriate legal and equitable relief arising out of the aforementioned conduct.Microsoft looks forward to your prompt response to this inquiry.

