
A How-To pertaining to Storing Tools With Various Kinds of Natural Disaster Plights

An Explanation of 72 Hour Kits72-Hour kits are an assembly of the most important supplies you need to survive if any kind of disaster strikes. 72 hours is a critical number. It is how much time you should be able to take care of yourself before relief workers can get to you. 72-hour kits should contain enough food, clothing, energy and light supplies, hygiene materials, and medical supplies to support your family during those critical 72 hours following a disaster. You can find 72 hour kits online or in stores wherever survival gear is sold. Or, you can accumulate the materials (which are easy to find) and create your own kit. Depending on where you live or who belongs to your family, you may need to specialize some items in your kit. Some people choose to create kits that will last for seven days rather than three. A food storage supply for much longer—anywhere from a month to a year—is also an important method of emergency preparation. Keeping Your 72 Hour Kit WaterproofIn almost any emergency, you will want your emergency supplies to be as waterproofed as possible. Many disasters, such as floods or hurricanes, will ruin your supplies unless they are properly stored in waterproof materials. In other emergencies, there is still the possibility of your supplies getting wet. Some supplies are a given in terms of whether or not they should resist wetness. For example, whatever S107 helicopter equipment you use as shelter ought to be waterproof. Though it is not essential for your sleeping bags to be waterproof, it will make you much more comfortable—especially if you choose not to include a tent. Waterproof clothing covers, such as ponchos, are inexpensive, small, and vital additions to your kit. Matches, first aid materials, flashlights, batteries, and radios should all be RC Air Swimmers placed in a completely water-repellant storage devise. A waterproof cooler is a good idea for your food supplies as well. Getting Your Kids Ready for an EmergencyPart of being prepared for emergencies is teaching your children what to do if one occurs. It is easy to worry about scaring your children—but preparing them is their best defense against fear if something does occur. Kids need to know where your emergency gear is kept, and they need to be able to access it. Second, you should teach your children where to go in an emergency. Practice is important!Many organizations provide classes where you and your children can learn more about first aid. One last activity you can do with your kids is assemble your 72-hour kits. You may be surprised at the great ideas your kids have!Why Have A 72 Hour Kit?The value of having a 72 hour kit has been touted by organizations large and small, from local churches to the national government. Disasters cut off means of transportation and communication. It usually takes about this long for any form of help to arrive to you. In the meantime, food, water, and safety from the elements are still necessary. If you cannot get to some or all of these necessities, your survival could be in jeopardy. Children and senior citizens, along with any members of your family who have health concerns, are at an even greater risk of losing their lives. When air angry bird a disaster hits, if you have a 72 hour kit, at least you will be much better prepared to meet all the basic needs of your family.

